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How to download UAE Labour Contract as an employee from MoHRE - Full step by step guide

If you are working in UAE mainland (Not freezone) you must have physical copy of your labour contract provided by Your Employer. It includes all the information related to your work type, salary or working hours and term end benefits.
Those who don't have the labour contract copy with them they can easily download or print it in two ways:
- Through the Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratisation (MoHRE) website
- Through the Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratisation (MoHRE) Mobile App
Labour contract through MOHRE website
You can download your Labour contract from MOHRE website in few steps as below :
- Click on link to get the access of MoHRE (Ministry of Labour ) website.
Open MOHRE Website here - Click on "Services" menu.
- Click on "View Approved contract"

Here you can see there are two options
(a) Search by transaction number
(b) Search by person detail
Search by Transaction number
- Fill here your transaction number (It is on your labour card) If you don't have labour card you can
download here
Download Labour Card here - Fill your passport number (Preferred your old passport number, if not searching then only use new Passport number)
- Fill the Captcha that is shown below
- Click on "View Approved Contract" (Click on View my contract if it is submitted few days before and the system is waiting for approval)

If the information above is filled correctly you can now see your labour contract or you can save it for future references.

Note: If you renewed your passport please fill your old passport number first.
Search by person detail number
If you are facing difficulty to get the Transaction you can use the other option with person detail only
- Click on Search by person detail
- Fill your passport number
- Select your Nationality
- Write your date of birth
- Write the CaptCha code that is just below of field.

Labour contract through MoHRE Mobile App
You can download labour contract MOHRE mobile app, Just follow these below steps:
- Go to your App store / Play store and download MoHRE Mobile App
- Sign in with your user name and password (You can use your UAE Pass for signing in)
If you don't know how to install and register in MoHRE App you can follow this link where i already described step by step. MoHRE Sign-In Procedure - After Sign-In click on Dashboard in MoHRE App

- S croll down and click on Contract
- I think you got your Labour Contract, You can take screen shot or save it.
I hope you got the labour card. If you have any trouble to get it you can ask more in comment section. Admin
will try to solve your query as soon as possible.
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